Friday, December 5, 2008

Blockbuster tests new store in Nev.

Blockbuser has made the Reno area the first major test market for its new look and expanded offerings. To reach the rentals, you’ll have to get past the game center with an array of Wii and Xbox accessories, high-definition TVs and mobile media devices, interactive games ready for play in leather chairs, and expanded snack racks with a cafe kiosk offering eats and drinks.

The key is convenience, selling not just the movie or video game but the means to watch it, Blockbuster CEO Jim Keyes said last week at a store in Reno.

And especially with the economic downturn, he said, the more his stores can offer, the better chance it has of getting an edge on the competition.

“We’re selling convenience,” Keyes said after giving Reno Mayor Bob Cashell and other business leaders a tour of the store.

“Why send someone to Wal-Mart when you can bring it in here where they’re already getting the movies,” Keyes said. “There’s so much talk now about ‘community’ in business. This is community here, the ultimate community.”

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