Wednesday, December 22, 2010

E-Readers With Color Open Door for Pictures

Millions of consumers have embraced black-and-white e-readers like the Kindle for reading simple novels or nonfiction — but books with color illustrations have generally remained better read in print.

Now publishers are making headway in converting their enormous libraries of illustrated titles to e-books, hoping to capitalize on the growing popularity of the Apple iPad and the Nook Color and their ability to showcase books with color photographs and illustrations.

Apple said that it was set to make a major push into illustrated books, introducing more than 100 titles to its iBookstore, an assortment of children’s books, photography books and cookbooks.

Some of the most popular children’s picture books of all time will be available, including some of the “Olivia” picture books, published by Simon & Schuster. Other titles are “Ad Hoc at Home,” a lavish cookbook by the chef Thomas Keller; “Beginnings,” by the photographer Anne Geddes; and “In the National Parks,” a photograph collection by Ansel Adams.

Publishers have been eager to sell illustrated books in digital form, particularly picture books for children, since they could eventually become a significant additional source of revenue.

For the complete article, please click here.

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