Thursday, November 18, 2010

Radialpoint - CONNECTIONS Europe Company Highlight

Radialpoint’s mission is to partner with leading consumer technology providers (CTP’s) to address and monetise consumer technology needs & frustrations in the digital home.

Radialpoint has a number of core strengths – a white label approach to digital home services which allows large consumer technology providers to fully leverage their brands, a collaborative proposition development unit, 15 years of experience in delivering to the needs of the CT and the careful evolution of a technology platform which is now able to integrate into a variety of different technical landscapes.

Perhaps Radialpoint’s greatest strength is how we uniquely incorporate all of the above to deliver successful programs for big brands with high expectations.

In the last 12 months, Radialpoint has successfully launched 2 new Premium Support & Digital Home Services propositions with Internet Service Providers in the UK and the US.

One of the big challenges for ISP’s offering Premium Support propositions is around understanding and effectively communicating where the standard operator support ends and the chargeable support begins; when does something become out of scope, how is this best communicated, what is the alternative customer proposition and how/when should it be sold?
These projects have further strengthened Radialpoint’s understanding of the above, and specifically how consumers feel about Premium Support services in the context of being ‘extended support’ propositions for an ISP.

Interestingly, we’ve seen that the model of recurring monthly fees for Premium Support Subscriptions is beginning to remove a headache for some customers. The idea of setting up complicated new technology doesn’t need to be a barrier to purchase any more – quite the opposite in fact. The insurance of having a trusted IT advisor can actually drive purchases of new products and services (from the ISP or elsewhere) that might otherwise have been seen as just too difficult; “I’ve got someone who can help me with that….”

Probably the most interesting thing we’ve seen at Radialpoint in 2010 is around the incredibly positive effect that Premium Support Services can have on Net Promoter Scores (which is effectively a benchmark of customer satisfaction, measured by an advocacy score). But this does stand to reason. The proliferation of new networking and technical devices coming into the home has simply increased the consumers need for reliable help. What is absolutely clear is that whoever can help the consumer make sense of this new technology will create meaningful new relationships that deliver genuine customer advocacy, whilst converting support costs to profit.

For more information about what Radialpoint’s DHS Platform and Premium Support Services could do for your business, contact one of the Radialpoint team.

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